Pokemon ROWE All Change Log

Pokemon Rowe All Change Log

• Game Name: Pokemon Rowe
• Creator: Rioluwott
• Hack Of: Emerald
• Type: GBA
• Language: English
• Version: v1.9.4
• Last Updated: October 04, 2023


All Change Log


• Changed how STAB works, now it will give a 1.25 boost to each move if the Pokémon is a dual typed mon and 1.5 if it's a single type.
• Added a move boost that makes move more powerful depending on how many mons you have of the same type in the attacker party, like if you have 3 Pokémon(excluding the mon that uses the move) that are ghost type and your mon uses a shadow ball for example it will get between a 1.3 boost or 1.6 depending on if the other mons are single typed or dual typed.
• Added a move boost that makes move less powerful depending on how many mons you have of the same type in the target party, like if you have 3 Pokémon(excluding the mon that receives the move) that are Rock-type and the attacker uses a Stone Edge for example the move will become around between 85% and 70% less powerful depending on the number of types each mon has.
• Added a move that disables these changes.
• Added a Random Type Mode where every Pokemon changes it's type to a random one based on it's personality so there can be a bulbasaur that it's a Fire type and another that it's Fire type.
• Added a Random Ability Mode, it gives every Pokemon a random ability that changes depending on the Pokemon personality.
• Added a Random Third Type Mode, it gives every Pokemon a random third type while maintaining the first 2 types intact.
• Added a No Mega Mode, this disables Mega Evolution.
• New Signature Moves:

   - Frosslass's Hex can Freeze the target and becomes a physical or special move depending on the highest stat
   - Gourgeist's Will-o-Wisp gives the target the Ghost-Type
   - Lanturn's Water Pulse gives the target the Water-Type
   - Lapras Surf becomes a Water and Ice-Type Move that has a chance of freezing the target
   - Trevenant's Wood Hammer now becomes a Grass and Ghost type move and gives the target the ghost type when used 
   - Bibarel and Bidoof Hyper Fang now ignores defense boosts on the target on top of the changes currently in games(It's SE against Grass Types)
   - Spiritom's Hex can Burn the target and becomes a physical or special move depending on the highest stat
   - Scrafty's Low Kick has a 30% chance of taunting the target for 2 turns
   - Toxicroak's Sucker Punch has a 30% chance of taunting the target for 2 turns
   - Gyarado's Thrash becomes a Flying-type move and becomes a Dark-type move if it's mega evolved
   - Torterra's Wood Hammer has a chance of flinching the target
   - Typhlosion's Eruption now has an small chance of setting up the Sun
   - Ludicolo's Teeter Dance always sets up the Rain(Rain dance was previously it's signature move, it was changed for this)
   - Pikachu's Family Volt Tackle now has an small chance to set up Electric Terrain
   - Ampharos Discharge has a medium chance of setting up Electric Terrain and has a Power of 95
   - Florges Moonblast has a medium chance of setting up Misty Terrain and has a Power of 100
   - Lucario's Aura Sphere now changes it's category depending if you have higher attack or special attack and uses the highest one
   - Xatu's Future Sight now sets up Psychic terrain and has a priority of 1
   - Bellossom's Petal Dance was changed to have a 50% chance of raising the speed of the user and always sets Grassy Terrain
   - Palossand's Shore Up has a 20% chance of setting up a Sandstorm
   - Delibird's Present now sets up Hail on top on becoming an Ice-Type move

• If a Pokemon is immune to the second type of a move rather than doing 0 damage the damage gets haved on top of the first move type effectiveness.
• Fixed some problems with vanilla mode not giving the correct type or ability in battle.
• Fixed Legendary Pokemon Fights making the Legendary Pokemon have a lowered accuracy.
• Fixed Toxic not working.
• Gave shadow sneak to Trevenant's family.
• Added a new Mystery Gift.

CHANGE LOG v1.9.3.2

• New Ability: Steel eater, boost the user defense when hit by a steel type move, it was given to Aggron family
• New Ability: Insect eater, boosts the user attack when hit by a bug type move, it was given to Carnivine
• Added the ability wind rider and gave it to Shiftry
• Changed Empoleon hidden ability from Defiant to Competitive
• Grassy glide got nerfed to 60BP
• Gave shadow bone to Cubone as an egg move
• Gave some new moves to Carnivine and buffed it's stats
• Gave Will-o-Wisp to Shiftry
• Now you can buy Eviolites, Everstones and Destiny knots in Rustboro
• A lot of signature move changes

   - Venusaur*: Solar Beam now charges in 1 turn, removed the power up in the move
   - Mega Charizard X*: Flamethrower now becomes a Fire and Dragon type move at the same time
   - Raichu Alolan*: Volt Tackle now becomes a Electric and Psychic type move
   - Parasect*: Leech life is now a Bug and Ghost type move
    - Cubone: Bone Club now has priority while in a sandstorm
    - Marowak: Bone Club now has a priority while in a sandstorm and has a power of 75 PB
    - Marowak Alolan: Shadow Bone now has a 10% chance of cursing the target
    - Koffing: Smog has a 90% chance of poisoning the target, has an accuracy of 90 accuracy and a power of 40 BP
    - Weezing: Smog has a 100% chance of poisoning the target, has an accuracy of 95 and a power of 45 BP
    - Weezing Alolan: Smog has a 100% chance of poisoning the target, has an accuracy of 95m a power of 45 BP and becomes a Poison and Fairy move
    - Cloyster: Spike cannon has a 10% chance of setting a layer of spikes and becomes a water type move
    - Moltres: Heat wave becomes a Fire and Flying type move
    - Spinarak: Toxic Thread has a 50% chance of setting up Sticky Web on the opponent side when it hits
    - Ariados: Toxic Thread has a 100% chance of setting up Sticky Web on the opponent side when it hits
    - Qwilfish*: Pin missile becomes a Poison type move and has a 10% chance of setting a layer of toxic spikes per hit, it no longers hit 5 times at all times
    - Swampert*: Muddy Water is now a Water and Ground move that becomes a physical move when used by Swampert
    - Shiftry*: Now has a BP of 80, removes the Defense down effect, has a 20% chance of setting tailwind, becomes a Grass and Flying type move and becomes a physical move
    - Hariyama*: No longer always hits 5 times but has a 15% chance of paralysis per hit instead of 10
    - Relicanth*: Head smash now only has priority in rain
    - Anorith: Fury Cutter becomes a Bug and Rock type move, has a 30% chance to boost the user speed and has a power of 65
    - Armaldo: Fury Cutter becomes a Bug and Rock type move, has a 30% chance to boost the user speed and has a power of 85
    - Lileep: Mega Drain becomes a Rock type move, has a 20% chance of leeching the target and has a BP of 65 instead of 40
    - Cradily: Mega Drain becomes a Rock type move, has a 30% chance of leeching the target and has a BP of 80 instead of 40
    - Castform: Weather ball now has priority when in any weather
    - Cranidos*: Headbutt now no longer has a chance to flinch
    - Rampardos*: Headbutt now no longer has a chance to flinch
    - Carnivine: Jaw Lock becomes a Grass type move, it hits super effectively to Bug and Flying types
    - Stunky: Gunk Shot now has an accuracy of 95 and hits Super effectively to Steel types
    - Skuntank: Gunk Shot now has an accuracy of 95 and hits Super effectively to Steel types
    - Lucario*: Aura Sphere now has a 10% chance of boosting the user special attack
    - Lopunny: Return has a 30% chance of making the target fall in love
    - Lopunny Mega: Return has a 30% chance of making the target fall in love and becomes a Normal and Fighting type move
    - Sawk: Rock smash has a 50% chance of setting stealth rock on the target side and a 50% chance of boosting the user attack
    - Joltik: Electroweb has a power of 60 and a 50% chance of setting sticky web on the target side
    - Golurk: Shadow punch becomes a priority move when used in trick room, has a 30% chance of lowering the target defense
    - Honedge: Sacred Sword becomes a Fighting and Ghost type move
    - Doublade: Sacred Sword becomes a Fighting and Ghost type move
    - Aegislash: Sacred Sword becomes a Fighting and Ghost type move
    - Rillaboom: Grassy Glide becomes a 70BP move like it did before gen 9

• Other changes I forgot about.

CHANGE LOG v1.9.3.1

• Added the functionality for the next abilities:

- Sand Spit
- Perish Body
- Wandering Spirit
- Cotton Down
- Pastel Veil
- Curious Medicine
- Steam Engine
- Transitor(No obtainable Pokémon has this ability)
- Dragon's Maw(No obtainable Pokémon has this ability)
- Power Spot
- Punk Rock
- Steely Spirit

• Reworked Justified, now it will boost the highest attack stat if hit by a Dark, Ghost or Dragon type and will get reduced damage from those types.
• Reworked Anger Points, now it will boost the highest attack stat if hit by a contact move(and removed the critical move stuff)
• Reworked Curious Medicine, it will remove the stats changes from all the Pokémon in battle and will work in singles too.
• Gave Steam Engine to Volcanion as a Secondary Abiltiy.
• Gave Anger Points to Beedrill, Granbull. 
• Gave Sand Spit to Onix and Steelix as hidden ability.
• Gave Justified to Doublade and Honedge, Sirfetch and both Farfetch'd forms.
• Gave Cotton Down to Altaria and Swablu.
• Changed Seviper and Zangoose signature moves to hit super effectively to Normal and Poison types respectively.
• Fixed Signature moves changing the physical and special split from moves still using the normal attacking stat causing them to be less effective.
• Fixed the game crashing if you tried to receive the Daycare ditto with a full party.
• Fixed the RGB Values in options only going up to 8 instead of 9.
• Other misc changes and fixes.

CHANGE LOG v1.9.3 Hotfix

• Fixed Registeel and Regirock having all their moves become special.
• Fixed the game crashing upon releasing a mon in MyBoy!


• Modified the AI so it will hopefully be smarter and won't spam electric moves at volt absorb mons(and a lot of other stuff).
• Added some new abilities from ER and Exceeded.
• Flaming Soul: Gives +1 priority on fire moves while in the sun (Typloshion and Rapidash get it).
• Overcharged: Electric moves hit super effectively on Electric mons (Electabuzz family, Eelektross Family and Normal rotom get it).
• Mountaineer: Immune to rock type moves and Field Hazards (Gogoat gets it).
• Molten Down: Fire moves hit supper effectively on Rock types (Torkoal, Heatran and Moltres get it).
• Added some new signature moves for Bibarel, Bidoof, Golem, Golem Alolan, Luvdisc, Relicanth, Regice, Registeel and Regirock.
• Buffed Luvdisc, Dustox, Beautifly, Alomomola and Zapdos.
• If you give luvdisc or alomomola a Heart scale they will get their defense boosted.
• Changed the ability Blademaster name to Sharpness like the gen 9 games.
• Buffed the abilities Grass Pelt, Big Pecks, Hyper Cutter and Pick up.
• Modified Illuminate to boost Accuracy instead of Special Attack.
• Modified Run Away to boost speed when it gets any stat lowered instead when sent out.
• Modified some move in-game descriptions.
• Added Heavy Duty Boots to the game, you can get them in Lilycove Mart after some badges.
• Removed the moves Fling and Sky drop since they don't do anything.
• Modified the TM56 to be Darkest Lariat instead of Fling.
• Made past outbreak specific moves available in game without needing the companion.
• Fixed some bugs with some Legendary Pokemon not being able to mega evolve.
• Fixed some bugs with some Pokemon that change form mid battle if you catch them and they are sent out to your Party.
• Other bugfixes and changes I forgot about.


• Fixed A Critical Bug That May Have Caused The Name Changes And Other Big Glitches That Happened In Past Versions.
• Added A Way To Share Your Party To Other People So They Can Battle Your Team, For This You Need To Use The Companion But Should Be A Great Feature That Makes The Community More Alive By Sharing Your Teams And Battle Your Friends.
• Updated R.o.w.e. Companion To Version 1.2.
• Added Some Changes And Fixed That I Probably Forgot About.


• Added Connectivity With An Online Browser Using A New App Called R.o.w.e. Companion, This Lets You Send Data From The Browser Into Your Game, It Only Works On Pc With The Latest Version Of Mgba(Mobile Support Is Not Coming Since The Other Emulators Don't Have Support For Custom Scripts).
• Added Support For Online Mystery Gifts, The First Online Mystery Gift With Be Pikachu Libre!
• Added Support For Online Roamers, The First Online Roamer Will Be A Poipole!
• Added Support For Online Outbreaks, The First Online Oubreak Will Be A Bulbasaur With Frenzy Plant, You Can Find It In Route 101 With A 10% Chance Of Appearing!
(You Need The R.o.w.e. Companion To Access These, If You Are On Myboy! You Can Ask Someone To Trade Them To You Or They Will Be Available In Future Updates In Game)
• Fixed Some Options In The Option Menu Not Working.
• Changed Hilbert Front Sprite.
• Fixed Accuracy Signature Moves Not Working As They Should.
• Fixed Spinda Not Having A Proper Signature Move.
• Changed The Dexnav To Go Up To 999 In A Chain And Changed It A Little So It May Fix The Issue With The Name Problems.
• Fixed East Gastrodon Not Having Egg Moves.
• Changed The Generic Cry Option In The Options To A Cry Type Option, This Will In The Future Work With The R.o.w.e. Companion To Bring External Cry Support(The Last 2 Options Do Nothing Rn But That May Change With A R.o.w.e. Companion Update Without Having To Update The Rom)
• Other Changes And Fixes I Forgot About.

CHANGE LOG v1.9.0.1

• Now You Get Shiny Dratini With The Move Barrier, Shiny Gible With The Move Dragon Dance Or Shiny Axew  With The Move Lunge As A Reward For Completing The Hoenn Dex
(If You Got Chikorita, Cyndaquill Or Totodile Before This Update You Can Get This Gift Once Too).
• Added A New Legendary Pokemon.
• Added A New Option Menu That Explains The Different Options So You Understand Them Better.
• The Start Menu Now Remembers What Is The Latest Option You Used And Starts There.
• Fixed The Graphic Issue With The Summary Screen While Changing The Move.
• Fixed An Issue With Heat Crash Damage Calculation.
• Fixed The Issue With The Save Menu Taking More Than It Should.
• Fixed Some Issues.


• Added Some More Generic Cries Based On The Egg Group Of Each Pokemon So It Feels More Dynamic.
• Created A New Summary Screen With Some More Info And Moving Background.
• Updated The Start Menu, Bag Menu, Party Screen And Other Menus To Have Scrolling Backgrounds.
• Reworked The Emerald Brendan, Emerald May And Rs Brendan Costumes To Look A Lot Better (Credits To @hyo For All That Work Thank You For Your Hard Work!).
• Added A New Hilbert Costume (Credits To Kwenio For Reaching To Me And Giving Me The Sprites Personally I'm Grateful For That, Only For The Male Player).
• You Can Now Battle Against Your First 6 Pokemon In The Box 1 Using The Pc Storage Option In The Mock Battle Options, You Can Build Your Team Of 6 Blisseys To Easily Train This Way Or Have Fun Against Stronger Teams.
• Rayquaza, Latios, Latias, Mewtwo And Diancie Will Now Mega Evolve In Battle While You Try To Catch Them.
• Kecleon Now Will Change Color To Use The Same Color As The Player.
• Fixed Snubull, Vullaby And Miltank Not Being Available.
• Fixed Latios And Latias Encounters Acting Weird.
• Added A New Battle Background For The Forest Areas.
• Reworked The Evolution Maniac Script So It Can Give You All The Evolution Items And Fixed The Issue With The Sludge Bomb Tm On New Game Plus.
• Fixed The Infinite Exp Charm Glitch.
• Added A Lot Of Stuff That I Already Forgot About.
• Fixed A Lot Of Other Issues.
• Added Manaphy As Mystery Gift.


• Reworked all the Gym Leaders so they are now stronger and modify their teams more depending on your badge count
• Gym leaders will now give you all the rewards at once if you have enough badges, instead of having to defeat them 5 times to get your rewards, If you beat them without enough badges you will only get some rewards but you can rematch them once with all the badges to get all the rewards that you missed.
• All the Leaders now have a Pokémon next to them, they change depending on the number of badges you have
• In hard mode all the leaders ask you to beat all the trainers on their Gyms before being able to battle them
• All the Gym trainers were reworked to be stronger.
• Fixed a bug where the Gym trainers used the normal trainers level instead of the gym trainers(Petalburg gym was the exception to this bug)
• After you defeat a gym leader Scott will call you and tell you the things you unlocked after that badge or just give you some helpful information
• Talking to the Gym Guide after you defeated the leader will give you the option of him taking you directly to the Gym Leader
• Talking to the Gym leader after you defeat it on a rematch will give you the option of battling all the Gym trainers again
• Modified some other trainer teams
• Opposite day and Trickster now remove the field effect they cause if you send them when the field is already up
• Shiny Axew with Lunge is this update Mystery Gift, you can get it right away with no badges.
• Fixed the problem with the Bike not changing to acro when you used it from the Bag instead of the Start Menu
• Fixed Mareep not appearing anywhere in the game aside from inaccessible areas like Kanto.
• Some bugfixes and changes that I forgot about.

Change Log v1.8.2

This Update Focuses On Signature Moves, UI QoL Changes, a New Sevii Island and some balance changes

• Added Four Island and Icefall Cave to the game
• Reworked the whole signature move system, now you can see a lot of information for signature moves, in the summary screen signature moves will have a blue font and will show the correct power of the move after the modification, it will also show the correct type and some of them even have custom descriptions.
• Signature moves power, accuracy, type and type effectiveness will show in battle.
• Hidden power type effectiveness in battle will be correctly be calculated to show the Pokémon hidden power type.
• Move Types for Pokémon with certain abilities will be shown correctly in the summary screen(abilities like pixielite, liquid voice, etc.), their type 
 effectiveness will also be calculated correctly in battle.
• Moved some Alolan/Galarian forms to Sevii
• Gave a Signature Move to Meganium - Petal Blizzard, it has a 100% chance to lower the enemy attack.
• Gave a Signature Move to Typhlosion - Eruption, it does a minimal damage of 60 no matter how low you are on HP.
• Typhlosion hidden ability was changed from Adaptability to White Smoke.
• Gave a Signature Move to Feraligatr - Jaw Lock, it has a 30% chance to confuse and becomes a Water-type move.
• Gave a Signature Move to Furret - Coil, now it raises its speed by 1 stage + its normal boost.
• Fixed Furret getting Adaptability in Vanilla mode instead of in the Normal Mode.
• Ampharos family got illuminate as a secondary ability(Mareep has fluffy instead for those who want to use exiolite).
• Run away now boost speed by 1 stage when sent out.
• Delibird hidden ability was changed from Insomnia to Unburden.
• Gave Cranidos and Rampardos a signature move: Headbutt, when used by any of those two its damage goes from 70 to 50 but becomes a rock type priority move.
• Gave Cranidos and Rampardos Rock head as a secondary ability.
-Petal Blizzard is now an Special move that hits both enemy pokemon instead of being a Physical move that also hits your ally.
• Karate chop now has the same effect as brick break.
• Vice Grip now has a 50% chance to lower the target speed and becomes a water type move with 60 power.
• Mega Punch got its accuracy increased from 80 to 100.
• Mega Kick got its accuracy increased from 75 to 85.
• Some minor stat changes were made.
• Mystery gift was changed for an Ash Greninja Re-run
• Pokemon with Coil Up will now regain the Coiled status after using the move Coil or Glare.
• Other misc changes and fixes that I forgot about.

CHANGE LOG v1.8.1.3

• Fixed New Game+ not giving you some Key Items at the start and gave them to every existing new game + save
• Added some event only moves to some Pokémon
• Modified some move sets
• Fixed Ditto and Quick Powder not working upon transforming
• Honey gather will now work similar to Gooey plus its existing effect
• Modified the wild encounters a little
• Modified Sword Master ability to match its official counterpart Sharpness(20% boost to 50% boost)
• Modified Cacophony to boost moves by 50% instead of 20%
• Some little fixes and modifications

CHANGE LOG v1.8.1.2

• Added the Followers up to Seismitoad and fixed Wailord follower sprite
• Modified the Battle UI to be able to see more information like if the move is Physical or Special, Move Power, Move Accuracy, Move effectiveness and now it shows the Type Icons instead of text
(For some of this information you need to press the L Button on the Move Selection Page)
• You can now see the Exp. on the Summary Screen
• Some wild encounter modifications(Mainly in the safari zone)
• Fixed New Game+ not giving you some Key Items at the start and gave them to every existing new game + save
• Created some new signature moves for Delibird, Lucario, Galvantula and Slaking/Slakoth
• Present is now a Normal Type version of Pollen Puff
• Some fixes and changes